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TONYA (TONI) DENNIS - Online Memorial Website

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Born in Virginia
42 years
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Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow.Mahatma Gandhi

This memorial website was created to remember our dearest TONYA (TONI) DENNIS who was born in Virginia on October 15, 1966 and passed away on April 16, 2009 at the age of 42. You will live forever in our memories and hearts.


The pictures you see here are pictures from one of the happiest days of our lives.  It was New Years Eve 2007.  This was our second time getting married.  It was a surprise to me that we were going to do this.  We had all our closest friends and family there and our 1st grandson Skyler James Pennell, he was alittle over a year old.  Tonya was his world and his Tata.


Another time was Tonya's birthday, October 15, 2007.  She loved going to Grahms Station in Tempe, AZ.  She rented a limo that night so no one would have to drive.  We all had sooooo much fun.


Tonya worked at the Arizona Auto Auction for the past 8 years.  She was the Supervisor of the Fleet Department.  She enjoyed working there and gave them always a 110% of herself.  We never went on a vacation because she was always worried that something might come up and she'd have to go in and handle it.  So, we never left outa town for more than overnight.  This is how dedicated she was to her job.


I knew Tonya for the past 8 years and my children considered her as mom also.  She loved my daughters as if they were her own.  Then came the grandbabies.  OMG!! She went into the operating room with both our daughters when they gave birth to their babies.


Skyler James Pennell, was the first grandbaby born. He was Holly Lynn's 1st child.  Then, Charles Edward Pennell V, Tabetha Dawn's 1st child. Then, Lilly Leigh Pennell, Tabetha Dawn's 2nd child.


Lilly Leigh will never know her Tata but Charles Edward misses his Tata so very much.  Tata is now the brightest star in the sky.  And every night before he goes to bed, we go outside and find the brightest star and throw kisses and say goodnight to his Tata.


Tonya, was everybodies BEST FRIEND.  She would always be there if anyone ever needed to talk or just needed to vent to someone, she was right there for them.  She never complained about working 10-12 hour days in 110 degrees weather. 


Tonya, would give anyone the shirt off her back with no questions asked. If someone didn't have a place to live for whatever reason she would let them live with us until they got on their feet. 


She was my world and my heart is crushed that she is gone.  I still don't really believe it.  They say when two people get married they become as one.  Well, it took us a couple of years but we finially became as one.  We still had our rough times but, no matter what we always worked it out and we never stopped loving one another.  I am so lost and alone these days, that I don't know what I'd do without having our grandson Charles Edward with me.  Tata is in him.

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